Alliott Group Launches Mobile App

Alliott Group has launched its first mobile application, to expedite communication, news and events with their Members. The Alliott Group ‘Global Membership Directory’ app is optimised for iPhone, iPad and Android

(PRWEB UK) 4 January 2013
Moving away from the printed directory, this app will place all Alliott Group Member firms squarely into the pockets of each other but in also into potential clients pockets. Making the process of referral much swifter and effective.
To heighten a richer experience the app, not only lists the contact details of the individual firms but a plethora of features including up-to-date news, events, comment wall and delegate image gallery, details of the current world wide board, camera and voice recording features, which can be emailed directly to The Alliott Group HQ.

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Alliott Group Launches Mobile App